The tato prides himself in being a master of everything big screen and silver screen. The tato prides in the fact that from a preview or even a review he can tell what's worth it and what's not. He prides himself knowing that he will get disappointed when he watches this or that..and he knows when he will be elated...he knows when he is just passing time...he knows what he needs for every mood or occasion. The tato has prided himself in recommending movies and those he recommends to have always been satisfied.
However the tato remains unamused whenever he is wrong. And not that kind of wrong that he should have known better but that kind of wrong that is almost sinful. That kind of wrong that you lie there embarassed and broker and by your tato standards is totally sorry! The kind of wrong where all clues and hints mislead his super skills. When all his criteria is met and shattered from the credits!
The folowling will forever remain etched in my mind...and I'm ashamed for having watched them.Just to name a few!
1.Joshua Tree

Who funds these movies and why? Dolph Lungren and Kristian Alfonso a.k.a that chick from Days of our Lives called Hope.
2.Burn Hollywood Burn

3.Good Shephard

Good Gawd! An all star cast like that... a DeNiro movie... I have never dozed in a movie like this not to mention I wanted to walk out!
4.The Firm

This is the worst adaptation from a novel. The movie was a box office success. I have never figured out why!
5.Artificial Intelligence

What was Spielberg thinking?
6.Drop Dead Gorgeous

Shame on me!
Species II

Seriously what was I thinking, let alone them?!
However the tato remains unamused whenever he is wrong. And not that kind of wrong that he should have known better but that kind of wrong that is almost sinful. That kind of wrong that you lie there embarassed and broker and by your tato standards is totally sorry! The kind of wrong where all clues and hints mislead his super skills. When all his criteria is met and shattered from the credits!
The folowling will forever remain etched in my mind...and I'm ashamed for having watched them.Just to name a few!
1.Joshua Tree

Who funds these movies and why? Dolph Lungren and Kristian Alfonso a.k.a that chick from Days of our Lives called Hope.
2.Burn Hollywood Burn

3.Good Shephard

Good Gawd! An all star cast like that... a DeNiro movie... I have never dozed in a movie like this not to mention I wanted to walk out!
4.The Firm

This is the worst adaptation from a novel. The movie was a box office success. I have never figured out why!
5.Artificial Intelligence

What was Spielberg thinking?
6.Drop Dead Gorgeous

Shame on me!
Species II

Seriously what was I thinking, let alone them?!