Yeah the Tato has a few gems that he has got himself addicted to.
Of which one is "Breaking Bad" starring none other than Bryan Cranston. A great actor previously on "Malcolm in the Middle."
Currently nominated for an Emmy 2008 for this role. He is a fine actor and I hope he wins for this.
A high school Chemistry Teacher with a part time job at a car wash.
A new baby on the way.
Struggling financially, professionally and unfortunately now medically.
Diagnosed with Stage 3A Lung cancer his life he has to make ends meet to pay his bills and hopefully leave his family with some cash once he dies.
With his Chemistry skills he teams up with a former student of his to make Crystal-Meth. His cooking skills (reffered to as Artistic Skills) produces high quality 99.1% pure Methamphetamine...
An odd duo. A punk drop out kid and a geeky chemistry teacher teaming up to cook Meth. Cooking Meth in an R.V or in the basement all to meet supply.
There is demand...but it's such a dirty market.
The first Season has 7 episodes. Totally enthralling. Feels like HBO yet its not!
Starting off with the murder of two local distributors of Meth and the way the two dispose off the bodies is chillingly cold!
A must watch!
Classic moments:
When he quits his job and tells his employer "Fuck you and your eyebrows!"
Trying to dissolve a human body with Hydrofluroic Acid-Classic.
Peer 2 peer shall help me get hold of this piece of magic! Otherwise uko sawa?
now watch californication and post its review
californication is molder ama ni david duchovny makes smoking and debauchery look cool!..been trying to get hold of season two without much success.
@Aco:make me proud
@M.O:kesho i shall make you proud
@dcm: yeah i shall start watching it tomorrow...though season 2 starts in sept
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