-4 brothers: 2 white 2 black. Raised as brothers after being adopted by a sweet old lady when no other foster parents could take up these delinquents wrong guys.
-Their mother has just been killed, in what looks like a deliberate act of execution, and the brothers unite in search of revenge!
-The story revolves around police corruption, and mob bosses that hutsle small time business owners for a share of profits
Mark Wahlberg (remember 'smooth vibrations' by the group marky mark and the funky bunch?)
Tyrese (found fame from a coke commercial)
Andre3000 ( none other than he of 'shake it like a polaroid picture...')
Garrett Hedlund (relatively unknown though had a small role in Troy)
Terrence Howard (best known for his role in Best Man. But this year for the movie Crush as a rich black tv soap director!)
-Directed by John Singleton: yup he has almost sterotyped black movies. From the likes of BabyBoy , Boyz n the hood, Higher Learning, Poetic Justice... Arguably the best movie he has directed having been fed up of the usual typical black stories of guys growing up in the wrong hood trying to get by. But are forced by circumstances to either die/do drugs/raise bastard kids/kill....
-This movie had nothing to do with good morals-just mere cold blooded revenge. It wasn't the preachy kind. Nothing to do with good vs bad. It was all western/gangster like. The bond of brotherhood is so vividly dispalyed and climaxes at the death of the last born brother in a ghastly nasty shoot out! (oh yes i love them spoilers)
-Theme: Family bonds/Brotherly love as they seek to avenge their mothers death, no holes barred. It was brutally nice.
Surprises:None. Simple story line that flows quite easily...no major turn in plots even as they deliberately try to mislead you into believing one of the brothers could be responsible.
>A cheap humping scene between Tyrese and his espanol speakin hood-rat chicka! Totally uncalled for...not worth the 4seconds of reel time.
>As is frequent with most hollywood movies-ending leaves a lot to be desired
Verdict: 6/10 Should be seen, if on big screen the better.
This is great, nephew. I wont read the review as yet as I still have to watch the movie. I never read reviews or previews before I see/read/hear anything I want to watch, read or listen to - only to see whether I agree or disagree with what has been written:)
Watched it, loved it, but it was a bit all gangsta/gory stuff - if you love your all guns all action no taking prisoners, this is your flick.
Lets see what else you have in store, Nicky
terence howard was good in crash - look for hustle & flow where he delivers another better performance .
@aunty: trust me reviews don't influence me. cause either way u will have your own objective.
Do u watch special features in DVD's i'd like to ask?
@guess:it was its imsple gangsta stuff that made the movie rock..it didnt stray
Now be warned i may talk about LOST in future posts
@Maitha: have been looking for hustle and flow-i liked the trailer
Like the template!!!
Ati couch potato? Why not couch sweet potato??? Hahahaha...
I see dreams being realised up in here...
Nice, nice, nice!!
More power to you Nick for this super blog idea & you bet we'll back you on this. Seeing you're a confessed movie addict & at times you lucky folks back home get movies before they open here(grrrrr!), this is the place to come check things out.
Am a biiig fan of Singleton & the highly talented Terrence Howard(a fellow Clevelander from our my adopted "home" state so we always support his projects) so will check this out. Btw, it's the 1st Singleton movie I didn't watch on opening night,sob,sob!
NB: Like Maitha I say:"Watch Hustle & Flow", bet you'll be blown away by the talent showcased by Terrence Howard & Taraji Henson.
So...since you too have a 2nd blog, does that make us comment h**s,LOL!
looking forward to reading more reviews from you. i'm yet to see this one.
for some reason i didn't find crash to be as good as the majority thought. it's not bad, but it didn't do it for me...
akiey: LOL @ comment h**s!
@Nick - hey, I got Hustle n flow on DVD - come-on - lick my toes, lick my toes :) LOL
PS: Dont you dare say anything on Lost - it may not be kicking it right now but I'd rather find out for myself - otherwise ..hm - like I said, lick my toes..
Havent watched Crash tho! -
@akiey - *nodding* in answer to your Q to Nick...hehehehe
should have guessed it was about movies!!!
the villian the villian...dude suprised me. and the shoot em up scene WHOA!!!! seriously hectic. glad it was only a movie.
@milo:ati nini? next u'll be suggesting couch ngwaci?
@beziq: milo is being cheeky but he's a roomie(on the other blog) so there is no love lost. But since we're in a movie blog we're the brat pack:msanii akiey milo acolyte and i and if u wanna join hola!
@akiey: yes i'm not certifiably a blog h***
@adrian: carefull bout mentionin about not liking Crush...child...utachomwa
@guessy baby the most beautiful queen...u remember my address right?
@uaridi: aunty knows me too well
@msanii:ha u have resurfaced after all the cheap humor at ur expense...gald to have u back
Hey Nick,
You as a couch potato.That name suits you right but are you sure thats all you do? Eheemmm...may I digress Nick? LOL!
Si you hook a sista up with the DVD..ama theres Onyango,Kamau,Waithera,Abdul,Kaleyke etc on the list.....LOL...digressing again!
I watched the preview and it looked alright.
Nice blog, love the colours and I still doubt you can beat mine...
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