And for you Aco I've done two posts in two days so there!
So what do these movies have in common:
1:They are great...we're talking abut longer than 2 hours...leaving you feeling like you travelled to another place and time. The tato was leftthoroughly quenched and as the credits rolled...I was left clappin inside
2.The have been nominated for more than one Oscar award or the other.
3.They need to be watched with the lights off...bladder empty and food at an arm's length. If you have company-company better know ain't nothin like pausing!
4. I really like when you have an accumulation of hollywood ego's at there best working with each other. It surpasses being about the star studded cast but the chemistry that each brings with their clout!
Here it goes:
First and foremost we begin with the movies that I had said before have the best endings of all the time forgot to mention The Others

My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next.
...need I say more!
The Insider

Al Pacino as usual was greatly FANTASTIC!
Michael Mann directed this beautifully!!! shame on you for Miami Vice-Shame. But Heat was also great it should have made the cut here as well..maybe in part 2.
American History X

Edward Norton was on a roll...first came Priamal Fear then came Fight Club and then this! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Schindler's List

Woiye remember that was the only Color in the entire black and white movie. This was brilliant!
Saving Private Ryan.

Best War Movie ever Star Studded shoulda won BEST PICTURE!
(I forgot to mention Black Hawk Down)

Best war movie ever ever before the above. Pure Oliver Stone

Why lie all Oliver Stone movies rock and he so so works well with James Woods (a small by the way) ... but this one with its insinuations takes the cake.
A few Good Men

Jack Nicholson at his best! WOW those lines were a killer. Rob Reiner Rocked!
Tom Cruise and Demi Moore at there finest!
House of Sand and Fog

Really nice!
Sir Ben Kingsley hasn't been this good since Gandhi.

Apollo 13