Monday, September 01, 2014
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Modern Family

Tato has discovered a new gem. Modern Family. Simple ,white, family humor brought home! It's clean too! Your regular common sit-com affords you a simple smile or occasional show of teeth. Most sit-coms just have one joke the entire 20 minutes e.g. Everybody Hates Chris. With Modern Family you are guaranteed to burst out in laughter. It's cheap. It's in your face. It's damn funny!
Comprising of 3 'modern' families that are all related. They push all the regular TV stereotypes (actually all) to the limit and it works perfectly. Regular life situations (hence the sit in sit-com) are well portrayed and nothing is outlandish or unrealistic.

Family 1: Mom and Dad married for 15 years. A totally hot but blonde daughter, who is dating an even blonder boyfriend. Another geeky/nerdy brainy daughter. The last born- a weird, 'special,' and gullible son. The dad thinks he is uber cool trying to relate to his kids in what he calls ''peer-enting.''
The mum is an overprotective nutjob as well.

Family 2. An old, rich guy who has re-married your stereotypical 'trophy' wife way way younger than he is. She is spanish and has a spanish chubby kid who has his own funny issues.

Family 3: Two gay guys who have adopted a vietnamese child. Cameron is a hoot!
Cameron has the best one liners!
All the characters get enough airtime. Everyone is a star on this show. You don't feel like there are main actors and supporting actors. The kids in the show get so much air-time. It's a family show after all and it's delightful that the kids are not relegated to the background. In fact it's the kids you will love, almost the same way we did in Malcolm in the middle.
Same team that brought you Just Shoot Me. One of my favorite comedies of last decade.
Catch it! Watch it and before soon you will be re-watching it!!! The chemistry between all the characters is believable and hilarious!

Manny (on the left) and Cameron (above) are my favorite characters! Both chubby with issues!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A review is a hard thing to do when you want to do a movie justice. This movie is a superb and grandiose display of outstanding audio and visual effects. It’s almost like a bragging rights exclusive to James Cameron daring other directors to bring it! The story line is not too complex with a few loopholes here and there, however, the concept itself is out of this world. Think of the mystery and the awesomeness that we obtained as we flew into Jurassic Park. Think of the raw graphic effects that King Kong had. Think of the primitive tribes, culture and world we adored in Apocalypto. Think of the imaginary prowess that George Lucas created in Star Wars. The cinematography is exquisitely real and one could dare to compare this epic enjoyable journey to that of Lord of the Rings and Troy. The creatures outdo themselves at no point do you feel ‘’blue-screen’’ like I did in 2012. Clearly James Cameron has written and directed a classic of Titanic proportions. But that has been his style-pushing the envelope and doing things GRAND! Clearly it’s the same person who tackled Aliens and Terminator, he has mastered the sci-fi genre with finesse and machismo.
Big Budget! Big C-G-I’s. Low-key cast except for Sigourney Weaver and Giovanni Ribisi.
Watch it. Look out for the message of man destroying mother-earth for a quick buck. (Cue Michael Jackson’s Earth Song!)
It’s larger than life and is a must see! The sound and visuals are the most compelling thing about the movie.
Immerse yourself into this world! Lose yourself for the entire movie duration!
Monday, December 07, 2009

I think what appeals to me about this show, is the fact that there is a little evil in everyone of us. Scratch that-I am Dexter. Never has there been a more loveable serial killer than Dexter. Not your average Casper the friendly ghost but an average joe with a secret! A very deep dark secret! He kills for fun. Again scratch that...he has a code. A code handed down to him by his father, who at an early age recognised that Dexter had so much evil in him it needed to be controlled, tamed...and channelled out in a proper manner. He rocks! Not to mention he is rolling with a Nokia N-96 like I am. He is unique, clearly deeply traumatised and tormented...but aren't we all? Two-faced and evil is the recipe that is DEXTER! A wolf in sheep's white, cute, cuddly,woolly clothing-trotting merrily as everyone around him is oblivious to what lies beneath!

Quick Summary: Dexter rights wrongs by killing guilty people who have crossed the line and escaped the long of the law. Collects their blood as trophies and stores them up in slides. He then chops up his victims and disposses them off in the ocean in smaller chunks wrapped up in plastic. Season 2 his victims were accientally discovered, and almost had him hunted down as the Bay Harbour Butcher. But he got away! He has his select instruments of carving/slashing to rid off his bodies. Not to forget his most important tool of trade-his hypodermic needle!
A blood-spatter analysts by day, a serial killer at night. Season 4 brings him his most challenging adversary-The Trinity Killer. Played deliciously by John Lithgow who executes his role brilliantly. Season 3 had Jimmy Smits who also guest starred with perfection. However, Season 4 is what TV addicts kill for. (pun intended.) Season 4 is the best in the series!

Michael C. Hall is absoultely fabulous! Emmy! Emmy! Emmy! His facial expressions are to die for! He mixes the right amount of cheek and sardonic grin and when he makes a kill it is obvious it is orgasmic to him as it is to the viewer. He was great in Six feet under and he is now. Note Oz alumni Sgt. Batista and Lt. Laguerta..yes Oz alumni are everywhere if you ask me!
Dexter is one of the greatest shows of our time. The show mixes gore and humor in a blend thais utterly edible and palatable. The choice curse words always appropriate and spot on! Wait till you see Grandfatherly Lithgow utter the words 'shut up, cunt!' In addition, foul-mouthed Dexters sister(and wife in real life), Debbie, is as filthy as a gutter! Her cursing is music to my ears!
At first, I felt the producers shouldn't have let Dexter get married. That wife of his bores the hell out of me, I'd put her out of her misery with a token of her blood as a reminder. But it has worked out well. Dexter needs his cover! His family is his shield. The more normal he acts the better he can get out out and kill somebody darn bad.
Season 4 has as much suspense as 24. Clearly, Dexter has met his much. The trinity killer is a trick old fella...who been around for 30 years-killing! Don't want to unleash spoilers here, get yourself season 4 and enjoy the ride.
Dexter Vs Trinity:
Was Dexter really learning from Trinity? Is Trinity better than Dexter? Will he track down dexter and kill him? So far at the end of episode 10, Trinity i shunting Dexter. Everyone has everything to lose and this time Dexter has met his match!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Having watched it twice. I'm mesmerised that those were just mere rehearsals. Not even in dress rehearsal...your wake up in the morning practise routine. The interesting thing to note was that whilst the dancers were giving 100%, M.J was at 40% and he was that good! At 40% he was outdoing the best of the dancers. His moves were crisp. Voice had changed over the years but he sung live and danced in addition. He was dancing effortlessly, it was just a rehearsal and his game was at its best. Divinity in motion like his lyrics say. Clearly the shows were going to be out of this world/earth/galaxy! He was older, he'd weathered plenty of scandals...but the quality was still the same!
With his passing, a lot of reflecting has been done and many fans want to come out and clearly say which was their favorite song?album? dance? The movie challenges the fans to think which was their favorite. And most of his best hits were on This is it!
Smooth Criminal

My favorite choreography of MJ is Smooth Criminal. And in This is it they had a new video for it and some of the old dancing and I swurr smooth criminal is his best choregraphy ever! Well, albeit that MTV performance of 1995 where he did 'Dangerous' is damn near the best thing I've ever did see as well. M.J was a genius when he came to performing, entertaining and dancing! Annie are you ok? For real are you ok? There was a sign in the window that he struck you a crescendo...seriously who gets away with such a storyline and lyrics?

This lean!!!! The dance sequence is perfection as perfection gets!
Billie Jean.
Who can forget the attitude the day he performed for Motown's 25th Anniversary. White glove , white socks, short trousers and the introduction to the moonwalk. In 'This Is It 'he downplayed the rehearsal but I have a feeling the actual show would have have had an outstanding dance routine. In 1995 he outshone himself near outdid his original iconic performance.
His best video of all time in totality. Sure 'Smooth criminal' had moves that made you wanna do that forward lean...but as a whole Thriller is his best video. And I'd say R'emember the Time' is his second best video. In the documentary there was a 3-D remake of the video...nothing like grizzly ghouls from every tomb dancing in sync.
Well performed. Oh how I loved the new jack swing from the Album 'Dangerous.' Even in this documentary it made me wanna get up since it aint too hard for me to jam. I wish there was more from that album performed.
Clearly the documentary is for the fans. It's not for the avid movie goer who appreciates documentaries. I'd have loved to see more behind the scenes with M.J outside his performances and rehearsals. Then again what I saw,I was satisfied with. I sung along and even wiggled in my seat to the moves and songs. I hee-hee'd and oooooo'd. A big an M.J fan as I am...This is it was exactly that-IT!
His back up dancers were so on point. Selectively hand-picked. Young, energetic and full of life...with the promise of a great career. Orianthi, the guitarist was kicking major electric ass on that guitar.
You have got to watch this masterpiece to see his playfulness in 'The way you make me feel.' or his emotion in 'Earth Song' or his vocal prowess in 'Human Nature' Beat it as well had some funk like the original. This movie is for the fans...and there were many fans. It's for the old fans, the die hard fans, and the new fans! M.J rocked and still does and forever will! The embodiement of greatness-a singer/song writer/producer/dancer. Not many stars right now can perform and entertain. Not many musicians are performers and entertainers. Some sing. Some dance. But they don't do both with perfection. He span decades with his songs and moves , and they will forever be timeless.

A celebration of everything that was Michael Jackson. Re-live your favourite songs.
''I'm gonna make a change for once in my life...I'm starting with the man in the mirror''
''Everyone's taking control of me, seems like the world's got a role for me...will you be there''
''There's something about you baby, that makes me want to give it to you...keep it in the closet''
Monday, November 09, 2009
Brothers and Sisters Review

This show is as wholesome as christmas pudding. It's about the chemistry behind family. The humor, the gossip, the secrets and everything dysfunctional that comprise of normalcy in any family.
Simple and straight to the point. Family dynamics as honest and accurate as it gets. Sometimes a little too monotonous with their family values...but this is tv after all!
One would argue that maybe these are stories that we have seen before. That it is a recycled version of great shows like ''Picket Fences,'' ''Sisters,'' ''Life Goes On,'' ''Six Feet Under'' and even ''7th Heaven.'' Well those were all shows that centered solely around family and hence the reason for any comparison. But the chemistry within this show in terms of characters and writing is wholesome. This is a feel good show. It tackles all aspects of life with an interesting twist. Yes you have seen infidelity over and over. There is now a cancer angle like we saw on Sisters. But if you have ever loved or liked the above shows then this you will automatically love.

The cast is powerful.
Oscar award winning (and now Emmy winning) Sally Field is the matriach of the family. Enter Calista Flockhart (Ally McBeal), Rachel Griffiths (a superb actress from the superb Six Feet Under), Rob Lowe (West Wing), Ron Rifkin (Alias...boy he was a superb villain), Patricia Wettig (Prison Break V.P)... and numerous guest appearances
Coupled with good writing. This is your modern day family drama. Where you need to watch family drama and humor...this is your show! There is something warm about this show. It's a feel good show!